
Thursday, May 7, 2015


What it is a meaning of ambition ? Ambition is a strong desire to do or to achieve something , typically requiring determination or hard work . May i make it in one word . Dream . Ambition born or exist when you have a dream . A big dream . A dream that you want it for a life time till forever . Your life will not be guarantee without ambition because career comes after ambition . Success comes after ambition . Happiness comes after ambition . It is mean that everything that we do it comes after ambition . Don't be mindedness but think out of your box . Think universal . Ambition it does not mean about your work or career but it cover all that you do now or later . 
ambition is a journey

Don't you realize it ? What am i trying to say here ? If you are too desire to do something that you willing to sacrifice it as long you can get it , move on . don't bother what people will critic it . BUT , seeking opinion your parent or teacher or people that close enough with you to make sure that you will not do a fool or big mistake . Maybe can be your remorse forever . Do something that can change your life . I mean big impact to you especially include everyone . As long as you happy to doing that . What else that i'm gonna say here ? Maybe i'm good in words , give advice and express my feelings through words . Because that is my desire and ambition . So , i give you an example . Hope you know what it is your ambition now . I'm happy what am i doing now .  In fact , my father know that i'm creating this blog and he gave me a green light . As i say just now , make sure you parent give their permission and seeking their opinion for a thousand time . Because they know better what Don'ts and Do's . 

People will think about career when we said word of ambition . Yes . That is correct because it is important in part of our life . So , if you want a good life , live in luxury house , study hard , give a hardcore effort . Choose wisely that course you want to attend . Get it ? Actually i don't know what to say else more because my mind full of problems , i need to focus on my studies plus examination . Dear readers , you are big enough now . you can discriminate between bad and good things . Like i said , no one in this world are perfect enough . What do you want to expect me to say now ? 

Before i forgot , think the imprint (effect) when you want to do something . Picture up there is example for you . So , take care readers . Aloha ! Assalamualaikum . Any question can leave a comment down there .