
Tuesday, June 23, 2015


hello everyone ! how are you guys ?! since long that i'm did not updating my blog . i'm sorry k ? i've been busy with my studies to focus on my examination . now , the week of examination are over so i can have fun ! yeahhh . hahaha . tick tock tick tock . the clock are ticking and me wasting time . soooooo , we go to our topic today which is inspiration . what the mean of inspiration ? based on my opinion , inspiration is you truly desire to do something because of someone or something . etc ; my inspiration which is Nabi Muhammad S.A.W . He is my role model for me to be a better person . His personalities make me fall in love with him . i wish that i can find a person like him . He is our prophet in Islam . The last prophet of the world . now can you get it what i mean here ? most people success with their own inspiration . but where did inspiration came from ? did it fall from skies ? either dream ? all the answers are come from yourself . the key is in your hand . you're the one who decided that . not anyone else . the goodness to have an inspiration is you are willpower to keep moving forward to achieve your dreams in future . not just to achieve your dreams but to be a better person . tell me what it is your inspiration ? have you thinking about that ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 each of us need someone to courage us ; to success , to move on our life , never give up . he or she will inspiring you that make you to think twice before you react . expand our scope . just don't focus on people . think out of box . sometimes , nature give you inspiration . like writer ; novelist usually find their inspiration with taking nap ( :D ) , walking at park or beach or forest before starting their writing . within that , they know what to write about . omg , i lost my ideas now what to say . hahahahaha . because i have to vending my nephew for a few minutes . shoot ! wait a sec . hmm . okey , i have to find my other ideas now . what a big prob now .                                                                                                                                                                  sorry . i think that is for our topic today . have a nice day everyone .