
Saturday, April 25, 2015


What it is a meaning of friendship ? Everyone have owns their opinion . we can't stop or denied others opinion . we must be open minded whenever it is . accept people's consideration or thinking . i have my own opinion about friendship and i want you to enjoy plus understand when read it . 

what do you think when you see this picture ? friends ? freedom ? happiness ? or what ?

friends are important in our life . but , there are many type of friends today and i admit that not all of our friend are good one . so , you must be careful when you are trying in a relationship . you can be friends who you want either girls or boys . for me , i'm just friend who want to be with me . do you get it ? but , i will be choosy . what i mean is , get know the person deeply who you want to be friends . cause i'm a social person who want to get know with everyone . there is a categories for each friend ; close friend or bestfriend or just friend . my life will like picture up there when i was beside with my bestfriends . i would feel empty wtihout them . my world will be dark and worthless if they are not besides me . they are mean a lots to me cause they are my soul , my heart , my life and my everything . one of my bestfriend named is Siti Nursyafiqa binti Yusdee . we were bestfriends for more than 8 years and  we only fought for a twice . i'm always assume her as my sister because she always give my advice , spirit and the more important is , she stay besides me whenever i was sad or happy .

don't you just feel or see how it was important of friendship ? sometimes they might hurt our heart but heyy that is fine because no one is perfect . we were just human being . people make mistake including you and me . there's a reason why we always make mistake because Allah always want us to learn from it and never do it again in future . it is doesn't mind whether it is huge or tiny mistakes because it is still on category MISTAKES . honestly i said , once i have been hurting by my own bestfriend . i mean a lot . until one day i cannot make it , i cannot hold it anymore . so , i express my feelings to her and we got fought . now , we just be friend not bestfriend . what i am trying to say here , when you got fought someone , doesn't mean both of you cannot be friend anymore . get fight with someone it is normal of our life .

when i was hurting by my ex bestfriend for almost one year until now honestly , i did not believe that there are still good people in my life . but , one day Allah met me with a funny and cute girl named Atiqah Arifah binti Ahmad Amri . she gave me a lot of new things . i learned something special from her . she make me realised that there are still good people in life . she recover my heart with her's love . she treating me like a special one and it is makes me to love her more than myself . my bestfriend and i were share everything ; problems ; love ; things ; heart . 

friends mean you share everything . either your food or your clothes . you share your tears and happiness . who are you without them . you will did not know who really you are without knowing them . please3x understand what am i trying to say here . people comes and goes . so get prepare for that because people that you loves most will leave you one day . if they betrayal you don't feel revenge on them . just accept it and moves on your life . if you want to be a succecssful man , move on your life because life is a journey not a destination . you're the one who decide your pathway . you're the who decide your destination of your journey . the other people don't have right or deserve  to create your life story . but YOU . YOU . 

appreciate your friendship . your life , people around you . the more important are Allah and your parents . you will be not born without your parents . they raised , fed . taught and give you loves until their last breath . you will be not a mature person wihout problems . because those will be lesson in your life to choose your own future . thanks cause reading my blog . take care yourself and remember what i had saying just now . keep stalk my blog . holla ! by the way , if you ask my opinion or share your problem , leaves a comment down there . just tell me if you want private . 

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