
Sunday, April 26, 2015


Image result for hobbies

everybody does like to selfie
hobby it is part of our life . everybody does have their own hobbies . they do what they like including you . you can't stop anyone to not do their hobbies . by the way , you have right to do that ? no . you don't . every hobbies have it owns unique and feature . some people have weird hobbies . and for me thats unique cause rare than the other people . common hobbies like ; reading novels , listening music , selfie and so on . these hobbies usually everybody loves to do it including me . there is a lot of things that i wanted to say but let me to arrange my sentences so you will understood what i am saying . you will be boring without hobby because human are natural created to be like that .
what are the first thing that you describe about hobby ? fun ? adventure ? thrilling ? desire ? Image result for hobbieswho does like cycling ? not everyone do .
everyone have their own taste about hobby . some people like category of adventure . i love adventure and challenging hobbies like hiking , jungle trekking , mountain bike (if i have a chance) , sports ; volleyball ; soccers , swimming . at the same time , i love to reading novels , listening music , writing my own novels and blog . don't you ever crossed of your mind why we should need hobbies ? and i'm asking you now . give me a reason . best reason that you may have . in my opinion , from doing hobbies , you know who really you are . know what you can do . what it is your talent . some people realise about it or not . from hobby you can know what its like your heart is and your soul . what your property through your hobbies . but , my advice is try new hobbies that out of your mind that you will never thought you will do it . because it can be one of your favourite hobby .
Image result for hobbiespainting . some people have talent on painting
for me those who can dance are amazing and magnificent . because only certain of people can do it . it is must be natural talent . but , you can learn it from talented friends or searching classes . doing hobby can make you happy go lucky . can make you laugh and crazy . trust me , dear . from hobby , you build your confidence , can be yourself without hiding something . don't you assume hobby it is not important and can be neglectful . NO !!! you will not achieve something without hobby . hobby can do with enthusiasm .
hobby will be worthless without people that we loves most . so , you can do your hobbies with your beloved one; parents . friends . lovers ; teachers . so , with unexpected you creating your memories with them and you can recall  whenever you want or when . plus you will be more mature because you will appreciate it and hoping to repeat it again . trust me , babe . life just once . enjoy your life but not to over limited . decision are in your hand . and you the one who to choose it . not me either anyone else . you deserve it . please realise that people don't have right to control your life so fight for it . Image result for laughingyou don't want to be like them ? so think .Image result for laughing
if you are teenager , you have a chance . take that chance and use it wisely . don't regret later because you are not forever young . i think thats all thanks cause reading my blog and keep stalking my blog ! take care bloggers . love ya ! if you have any question , leave a comment down there .

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